A Project of the Software Engineering
and Soft Computing Group at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt - Austria
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The ViZ project was born in 2001 (with the start of the PhD thesis of Andreas Bollin). Since then, a couple of developers and researchers have contributed to the project. Among them are (in alphabetical order):

Andreas Bollin
Project lead. ASRN, slicing, chunking and clustering algorithms, mapping algorithms, concept location model, metrics calculation, Eclipse plug-in integration
Joachim Lessacher
Eclipse prototype for mapping Z specifications to UML (class and activity diagrams). Master Thesis.
Roland Mittermeir
Quality Assurance, ASRN development, slicing and chunking
Daniela Pohl
Eclipse prototype for storing and retrieving concepts to a MySQL database. Master Thesis.
Florian Radl
Eclipse plugin for calculating Z specification metrics. Master Thesis is still work in progress.
Michael Steindorfer
Performance tuning of the MySQL concept retrieval. Semester practical.
Abdollah Tabareh
Evaluation of Z specification measures. Master Thesis

Also to mention are the numerous reviewers and colleagues who had great ideas and proposed several changes to the environment.



Upcoming Presentation(s):
Aug. 28th, 2012: Full paper at WS-FMDS 2012, Paris

Recent Presentation(s):
Oct. 28th, 2011: Full paper at ICFEM 2011, Durham

Jun. 20th, 2011: Full paper at UMLFM 2011/FM 2011, Limerick

Aug. 15th, 2012: After a hacker-attack, the new webpage goes, finally, online

